Monday, February 7, 2011

tanya | maxim | sasha

we hosted the karus family for a week. they are from russia and are in singapore to get medical help for their baby, sasha. read more about him here.

since it was CNY, they only had one appointment all week so we got to show them around singapore. it was perfect timing since ty had the whole week of school off. we had a jam-packed week (more posts to come!).

ty and maxim became very fast friends. despite the language barrier, they played like old friends.
i would go to sleep at night with russian words swirling around my head and sweet images like this.

best quote of the week:
by maxim: rhett speaks english, but cries in russian.

1 comment:

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

he's way too cute! how did you hear about hosting for a family? we are trying to get cole to the cleveland in ohio ...and we were thinking about finding people who host around there...but don't know where to look.