Monday, November 29, 2010

CEBU : sightseeing

we took off one morning to see cebu's sights.

magellan's cross
ps. how about we wait three minutes until the rain stops? crazy americans. :)

it took me forever to get a waving philippines flag.

the wishing well

sister time is the best! love ya kei!

friday morning mass

this is really the first time i've ever encountered real poverty. i've driven in downtown compton, but never felt the effects of starving, destitute faces looking at me. as we were leaving the basilica, two little boys, about the ages of my own followed us back to the taxi. i couldn't stop thinking about my own rhett when i heard this little filipino boy grunting and pointing at my drink the same way rhett would when he is hungry. my mind kept saying, "he doesn't even want money. he is just hungry. he's starving." i didn't even care if he was slum-dog millionaire-ing me as i lowered my can and he snatched it away. i wish i had bought a whole feast for the other little boy who followed us to the taxi and put both fists up to the window with his sad frown and sorrow "please" as we drove away.
how can we be okay with this?

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